March 11, 2016

Steven Bentley

What is competence?

Competence can be described as the combination of existing training, skills, experience and knowledge that a person currently has together with their ability to apply them to perform any given or required task safely. A number of other factors as well as soft skills competence may also have a bearing, including attitude and physical ability.

The obligation sits with the employer, to take account of the competence of relevant employees when you are conducting any risk assessments. Competence management obliges Directors, Managers as well as Workers to be able to recognise the risks in operational activities and then apply the correct measures to both control and manage those risks.ā€™

Guidance on ensuring compliance

This will help you decide what level of information, instruction, training and supervision you need to provide.

Competence in Health and safety should be seen as an important component of workplace activities, not an add-on or afterthought.

If you use contractors, you have a responsibility to make sure they are competent.

SharedĀ responsibilities

a) Both you and the contractor you use have responsibilities under health and safety

b) Everyone needs to take the right precautions to reduce the risks of workplace

dangers to employees and the public.

c) Make sure everyone understands the part they need to play in ensuring health and safety.

What you need to do

a) Identify the job

b) Identify all aspects of the work you want the contractor to do.

Consider the health and safety implications of the job. Remember, the level of risk will depend on the nature and complexity of the work. You should provide potential contractors with this information and make sure they know and understand the performance you expect of them.

This information may be included within the job specification for a given task.

An individualā€™s level of competence should be appropriate or proportionate to their job responsibility within their place of work. (different environments means different required level of competence)

ā€˜The essence of competence is relevance to the workplace. What matters is that there is a proper focus on both the risks that occur most often and those with serious consequences.

What does it mean to employ a Competent person?

As an employer, you must appoint a ā€˜competent personā€™ to help you meet your health and safety duties. Note that this may

Some health and safety law describes the training, skills and experience, that someone should have to be a competent person to perform a specific task in a particular industry or work environment. (Ensure this is understood and complied with)

Case study

A worker was killed when she was run over by a vehicle operated by a contractor. Neither the employer nor the contractor had identified pedestrian routes to keep pedestrians separate from moving vehicles. Additionally, the contractor hadnā€™t given his drivers adequate training to make sure they operated the vehicles safely. The employer should have identified risks from the contractor being on site and agreed measures to control those risks before the work started.

Provide information, instruction and training

You and the contractor need to communicate with each other throughout the process. Make sure that the contractor and their employees have information on:

a) Any health and safety risks they may face;

b) Any measures in place to deal with those risks;

c) You emergency procedures.

Note:Ā The information you provide should be in a form that is easy to understand.Ā Similarly, you must provide clear instructions, information and adequate training for your own employees.

Sofema Aviation Services provides a range of EASA compliant Aviation Regulatory and Vocational training for details please seeĀ www.sassofia.comĀ or emailĀ

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Competence, Health and Safety