August 22, 2019

Steven Bentley

Considering the Role & Purpose of the Configuration Maintenance and Procedures Document (CMP)

Introduction by

About the CMP

The CMP document is approved by the Primary Certifying Authority and contains the particular aeroplane configuration minimum requirements, including any special inspection, hardware life limits, master minimum equipment list (MMEL) constraints and maintenance practices found necessary related to the performance of ETOPS – Extended Diversion Time Operation (EDTO) Flights.

The particular aeroplane configuration minimum requirements including any special inspection, hardware life limits, master minimum equipment list (MMEL) constraints and maintenance practices found necessary to establish the suitability of an airframe‐engine combination for extended diversion time operation.

CMP is intended to set and maintain the aircraft in an ETOPS READY configuration using:

  • SB application (Configuration standards)
  • MPD tasks interval decrease (Maintenance Standards)
  • Specific maintenance tasks to insert into the Operator Approved Maintenance Program (Procedure standards)
  • Operational test to add to the operational procedure (Dispatch standards)
  • The ETOPS / EDTO certification is reflected by the issuance of an EDTO document.

The CMP document gathers the required configuration, maintenance, procedures and dispatch standards. For EDTO operations, the aircraft should be configured, maintained and operated according to the EDTO CMP document requirements.

The CMP document is issued for the initial EDTO certification. It may be revised to reflect the conclusions of the in‐service experience review (reliability surveillance performed by the Primary Certification Authority).

CMP is intended to set and maintain the aircraft in an ETOPS READY configuration using:

i/ SB application (Configuration standards)

ii) MPD tasks interval decrease (Maintenance Standards)

iii) Specific maintenance tasks to insert into the Operator Approved Maintenance Program (Procedure standards)

iv) Operational test to add to an operational procedure (Dispatch standards)

Many airworthiness considerations for flight dispatch may already be incorporated into approved programmes for other aeroplanes or non‐EDTO, the nature of EDTO necessitates a re‐examination of these programmes to ensure that they are adequate for this purpose.

System redundancy levels appropriate to EDTO should be reflected in the master minimum equipment list (MMEL). An air operator’s MEL may be more restrictive than the MMEL considering the kind of EDTO proposed and equipment and service problems unique to the operator.

If needed, the EDTO related tasks may be further categorized as follows:

EDTO Specific task: It is any task that is uniquely required when the aircraft is operated on EDTO and identified in the associated CMP document.

These tasks may originate from either:

i/ A specific aircraft configuration mandatory for EDTO, e.g. cargo fire protection system with increased protection time.

ii/ A specific constraint related to the EDTO mission profile, e.g. increased flight duration, maximum EDTO diversion time (up to 180 min, beyond 180 min, etc…).

iii/ A specific MMEL constraint for EDTO (e.g. SATCOM no‐go for EDTO beyond 180 min)

These tasks and the related interval (defined through above relevant maintenance and/or safety analyses) should be listed in the EDTO CMP document

Any Modifications/Service Bulletins, maintenance tasks or procedures necessary to restore the reliability may be mandated through a new issue of the EDTO CMP document and/or dedicated Mandatory Continuing Airworthiness Information (MCAI).

CMP Management “In Service“

CONFIGURATION, MAINTENANCE AND PROCEDURES – Aircraft manufacturer Document, with revision

CMP is customized by Aircraft series

CMP is subdivided by CMP item Managed by:

Engineering Controls for Maintenance Task

ETOPS Part Control Program for Parts Upgrade

OPS procedure for operational tests on flight


Sofema Aviation Services and SofemaOnline offer ETOPS / EDTO regulatory training for CAMO and Maintenance Personnel – please see the websites or email or

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