March 09, 2016



This month we say hello to our instructor Florin Necula. Florin graduated Faculty of Aerospace Engineering with Polytechnic University of Bucharest and then he followed a Master Degree in Airworthiness in UK. He has been involved for the last ten years in large transport aircraft maintenance as a B1 and C certifying engineer.

We asked Florin to tell us a bit more about himself.

Q: Does the aviation gene run in your family?
A: Actually no, I was the only one in my family choosing this path.

Q: Is there a childhood dream involved in your choice of career?
A: Somehow yes, I wanted to become an engineer. I chose aerospace engineering and if I would have the chance to start again I would probably choose the same.

Q: In your opinion, what is the most valuable quality a person should have in your line of work?
A: I strongly believe that in aviation, following the rules is a must, therefore, I believe the most valuable quality in this activity should be conscientiousness.

Q: What are the most enjoyable aspects of the job? And the most challenging?
A: I do really enjoy fixing defects on airplanes and certifying them. Also, while I am doing trainings I do enjoy them very much, as is always special, different people, different issues, always something to learn. The most challenging thing I find is probably to keep myself always up-to-date.

QHow do you find ways to make your work more interesting for you and your trainees?
A: Probably one of the key issues is to generate discussions during trainings. This is a way from which everybody can learn something, including the trainer. Also delivering trainings tailored to the specific practical needs of the company, as Sofema is doing, makes courses less uninspiring.

Q: Would you like to share some interesting and extraordinary experience involving your work?
A: I believe every experience is interesting and from every single situation is something to acquire. Aviation is a highly complex system and almost always you should expect something new.

Q: What activities do you enjoy outside of work?
A: Well, there are many things I enjoy, among them swimming and riding horses.

We thank Florin for his time and wish him all the best in his future professional endeavors!

For more information please contact SAS by email or by phone +35928210806

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QA, Monthly feature, Florin, Staff, Instructors