April 28, 2016


Home grown is the answer? Without doubt the most appropriate training is often delivered in house by the companies own safety Management system training. In recognition of the SAS offers a 3 day SMS Training for Trainers Course.

Developing an organizational capability to deliver Safety Management Training will benefit the organization and allow the delivery of SMS related trainings to be targeted and specific. The primary purpose of this 3 day training is to focus your SMS Nominated Trainer on the most effective processes for delivering SMS training throughout the organization.

Where are the greatest challenges? This is a subjective question, but in the opinion of the author the following issues carry significant relevance and deserve merit.

1/ communicating the importance of an effective SMS to an adult audience in a way which they will connect or “buy into” the rational and purpose. (A “real” SMS requires active participation by the entire work force)

2/ In addition to appreciate the need to educate the workforce in a way which they can identify, for example we are asking people to identify safety related exposures which are relevant. However the recipient does not really understanding the difference between hazards and risks.

3/ developing the training program which is role specific and focuses on delivering the training which supports the organisation stated objectives.

4/ an effective SMS has to be led from above, It is a top down system – do all the employees believe in the effectiveness of this process – as instructors it is our job to convey this message.

When is the next opportunity to attend SMS Train the Trainer?

Sofema Aviation Services offers practical training which is designed to connect to the audience in the most effective way. The next SMS Training for Trainers Course is scheduled to be delivered in Deira Dubai 29th to 31st May 2016

What are the salient features of the SAS SMS Train the Trainer Course?

SMS Facing the Challenges – Dealing with the challenges which we face as trainers and the need to communicate with the management team as well as the workforce in general.

The SMS Trainers Learning Path – Considering how we can ensure the highest standard of training delivery.

Review Management and Oversight issues related to SMS Training – where is the management system working and where are our opportunities for it to be optimized or improved.

What is Andragogy– Understanding the Adult learning process – Communicating the SMS story? How to connect with an adult audience in the best way.

Balancing Presentation, Motivation Debate & Discussion – getting the message across.

Speaking in Public – Developing your skills – what makes a good speaker and why do people listen?

The Use of Case Studies – Presenting Workplace SMS related Issues.

Understanding Safety Culture within our Organisation & delivering effective SMS Training.

Delivering Hazard Identification & Root Cause and Analytical Processes Training.

Raising Awareness and Communication of the SMS as part of the Training objectives.

Behind Sofema Aviation Services we have over 40 years industry experience to call on, we are able to help you develop the most appropriate outcomes for your organization. We strive to continuously deliver to the highest standards of professionalism. It is our pleasure to share our expertise with our satisfied customers.

For full details please see website or email office@sassofia.com

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