February 19, 2020

Steven Bentley

SofemaOnline answers your questions.

Introduction what are electrostatic-sensitive devices (ESD)

An Electrostatic Component may be considered as any component (typically electrical) which can potentially be damaged by static charges.

Charges can build upon people, tools, as well as other non-conducting or semi-conducting materials.

Electrostatic Voltages if measured may be many thousands of volts and it is this High Voltage / Low Current which is so damaging to electronic circuits.

While this sudden Electrostatic Discharge of static electricity does not usually result in any harm to humans, it can for sure deliver significant damage to any electronic circuit which has a particular sensitivity to electrostatic discharge (ESD).

The most important element of handling electronic components is to make sure that no difference in potential is allowed to build up.

What Takes place in an ESD Event?

An ESD event occurs when there is a sudden flow of electricity between two electrically-charged objects in proximation or caused by direct contact, an electrical short or dielectric breakdown.

Note – The process of rubbing materials against each other increases the surface contact producing an electric charge which is termed as triboelectric (In all these cases a difference of electrical potential that can lead to an ESD event.).

We should understand that it is the build-up of static electricity which is problematic and which can be caused either by turbocharging or by electrostatic induction.

What is required to Manage ESDS within an Aviation Environment?

Managing ESDS in an Aviation Environment is assured by delivering Effective Static Control Procedures. Particularly in the Stores environment during the inspection phase, and during the time components are being transported or installed and removed.

Static control can be achieved by adhering to Static Control principles, circuit and component design being an important element of mitigation.

The most important element of handling electronic components is to make sure that no difference in potential is allowed to build up. Typically, this is achieved by building ESDS work stations and wearing ESDS wrist straps.

ESDS – How to Make a Difference?

To be effective we need to ensure Effective Static Control Procedures.

In the Stores, Hangar & Line Environments.

Static control can be achieved by adhering to Static Control principles, circuit and component design being an important element of mitigation.

Static Control is especially important during any time an inspection takes place as well as during the time components are being transported or installed and removed.

Sofema Aviation Services deliver Electro Static Discharge Sensitive Training ESDS as a stand-alone ½ Day Classroom or Online Training.

See the Classroom Training

See the Online Training

For further information please visit www.sassofia.com or www.sofemaonline.com or email team@sassofia.com

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aviation, Aviation Maintenance, Electrostatic Discharge, Electrostatic Sensitive Discharge training, ESD Training, ESDS, Static Control Procedures