November 02, 2020


Introducing 5 Days Intensive Instructor Techniques Course provided by Sofema Aviation Services

Technique & Skills Presentation Introduction by Sofema Aviation Services


Good communication is a skill that can be developed, like other skills, by practicing it and getting the opinions of others on how well you have performed.

The feedback you receive will tell you what you are doing that is effective, as well as what you can do to strengthen your performance.

Some people seemingly can not help themselves and actually provide feedback which is considered rude by the recipient – such feedback simply adds no value to the business process and can even lead to complete disengagement!

Conversely, comments and observations regarding what was good, what was not so good, and where improvements may be made, related to the experience and expectation of the person who is receiving the training can be powerful and provide significant support to the delivery of the training process.

Giving Feedback

How you deliver feedback is as important as how you accept it because it can be experienced in a very negative way.

To be effective you must be tuned in, sensitive, and honest when giving feedback.

Just as there are positive and negative approaches to accepting feedback, so too are there ineffective and effective ways to give it.

Poor Feedback is Simply Bad for Business

Feedback which is vague and judgmental serves almost no benefit in promoting effective development of the Training, Training Material, or Instructional Process in General.

Clear communication translates into the need to ask clear questions and mutual understanding of the sent and received information, we must always speak in specific not general terms.

Case Study related to Feedback

Consider the following comment – “2 people told me they did not like the training, and they are very experienced” (By inference because they are experienced, they MUST know what they are talking about and therefore the training cannot be any good).

In fact, such comments made without appropriate references reflect quite badly on the person who makes them! …why?

Because it illustrates one of the challenges of dealing with what is essentially subjective feedback in an effective way, and because it indicates a poor grasp of many of the fundamentals related to human interaction. (This is directly connected to managerial competence and is a soft skill which can be trained and developed.)

How Can We Improve Feedback?

How can it be reported differently…?


  • What exactly was below expectations?
  • Why was it below expectations?
  • What in your opinion would make it meet your expected level of satisfaction?


To provide a genuine engagement and being prepared to provide details related to your observations allows the recipient to ensure a real effort can be made to address the issues and to seek where possible a positive resolution.

Why Should Positive Feedback be a challenge?

Unfortunately, life is not so simple to read on!

  • Whilst feedback is essential comments taken “out of context” may seem like they add value but in fact, the opposite is the case.
  • Inappropriate feedback is counterproductive and a good manager will pay attention to this.


The need for continuous feedback is important, of course, this is the way we know the best communication is taking place, but as with all things it also needs to be balanced.


The better able we are to qualify feedback the more effective will be our “real” understanding.

Sofema Aviation Services (SAS) currently offers more than 550 Regulatory & Vocational Training Courses. Please see the website or email

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Train The Trainer, Aviation Instructor, training skills, Feedback, Management Skills and Leadership Skills, Human Factors Training Skills for Trainers, Part 147 training, Business Process Optimisation