October 03, 2012

Steven Bentley

Sofema Aviation Services deliver several Quality Audit courses each year. The next Quality Audit training is being held in Dubai  Sun 30th September to Monday 1st October at the facilities of Jet Aviation Dubai Airport.

Steven Bentley has been an aviation Quality Auditor for almost 25 years with more than 15 years experience with Virgin Atlantic Steven has a wealth of experience auditing in a variety or environments both in the context of maintenance and operations

More than just Quality Audit Training !

At Sofema Aviation Services Quality Audit Training course we teach the difference between compliance auditing and performance auditing

Whist the former is mandatory, it is the later which can save the organization money, in fact 6 Sigma which is a pioneer of the performance audit process identifies a potential saving of up to 20%

The delegate will learn that A major shortfall of the compliance audit is that it does not test the process or procedures developed to deliver the requirement. In addition you will understand why the compliance audit is really the only audit the regulator is interested in

Who is in charge of Quality ?

At Sofema Aviation Services Quality Audit Training course we teach the difference between Quality Control which is the prerogative of the Post Holders and Quality Assurance which is the primary duty of the Quality Manager and Quality Department.

An essential element of  the quality system is a clear understanding of roles and responsibilities in particular the relationship between the Quality Department and the various business units within the organization.

About the audit process

What are the different types of audit and why and how to employ ?

During the training the Delegates understand the different audits that they will perform and the merits of each, they will also understand where it is more appropriate to perform a specific type of audit.

What do others say about SAS trainings ?

‘’ Instructor has perfect dictation, huge knowledge of the material and gives lots of examples . ; The course will helps me to do my job better.’’

‘’The course helps me to understand the techniques for carrying out audit process and how to deal with different situations during it. It clears me a lot of aspects of the auditor competence and behaviour

What are the outcomes of the Quality Audit Training Course ?

Sofema Aviation Services Quality Audit Training prepares the ground for your auditors to deliver in the most effective way

To create an awareness and understanding of the process of preparing and delivering effective audits across all areas of Aviation.

For more details regarding the next Aviation Quality Audit Course please visit www.sassofia.com or email office@sassofia.com

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Quality Audit Training, Quality Auditor, Regulatory training, aviation services