March 18, 2016

Steven Bentley

Within the Aviation Environment we have potential exposure to a vast range of hazards, how we manage these hazards and develop mitigations for the associated exposure is an essential attribute of effective H & S management.

Essentially we are talking more about organisational issues although Human Factors may be identified as precursors for many events. Typically associated with Custom and Practice, or violations associated with current organisational process and procedures.

What are the main health and safety issues?

Individual workplaces will of course, exhibit their own patterns of risk, but the main causes of accidents and ill health in the air transport industry are:

•             Incidents from aircraft turnround activities
•             Risks from baggage handling tasks
•             Musculoskeletal disorders
•             Working at height

For some work activities there may be additional requirements which need to be satisfied to ensure  you are complying with the law, for example aviation catering employees must ensure they comply with food and hygiene regulations.

How do I do a risk assessment?

A risk assessment is an important step in protecting your workers and your business, as well as complying with the law.

Formal Risk Assessments helps you focus on the risks that really matter in your workplace – the ones with the potential to cause real harm. In many instances, straightforward measures can readily control risks.

In general, by introducing Risk Assessment processes we can deliver a cost effective, and relatively simple process which delivers measures to protect our most valuable asset – Our work force!

Note: We are not expected to eliminate all risks rather we are required to protect people as far as ‘reasonably practicable’.

Organisation Obligations

Our system should require our employers and other persons (Sub Contractors) to report hazards as well as incidents and accidents in the work place.

As well as “nearly incidents” !

Some events such as certain accidents, some diseases and some dangerous occurrences that arise out of or in connection with work will need to be reported externally as part of a mandatory obligation placed on the organisation.

These reports enable the enforcing authorities (either the HSE or other relevant authority) to identify where and how risks arise and to investigate serious incidents and trends.

As well as a legal requirement to report such incidents, internal investigation by your organisation can assist you to:

•             identify trends in accidents and ill-health;
•             identify underlying causes;
•             establish the effectiveness of your management systems;
•             identify the need to review and/or improve such management systems.

Sofema Aviation Services provides a range of EASA compliant Aviation Regulatory and Vocational training for details please see or email

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Risk, Safety, Health, Hazards