September 20, 2017

Steven Bentley

The SMS is intended to be a continually developing “tool” within the organisation. Providing source data to enable solutions to multiple issues across the business.

Within the airport environment we have constant change, which provides for the potential for exposure to additional hazards. The SMS needs to embrace this change and to deliver any necessary changes in a sympathetic way.

An essential element is the ability to gather data across the whole business, to be able to process the “data” and to evaluate in a way, which delivers proposals for mitigation’s to the business process owners and managers.

Implementation of a mitigation proposal is considered an SMS Process and Procedure Change

How to Manage the Change Management Process?

Changes needed to assigned a “weighting”, which considers:

1) The importance based on the magnitude of the risk;
2) The potential cost against the perceived exposure;
It is not possible to change everything at the same time so clearly there needs to be a prioritisation.
3) All change initiatives must have an owner (without ownership there is insufficient motivation to achieve);
4) Implementation time scales need to be realistic and agreed;
5) The entire change management process requires a manager (independent from the individual changes);
6) Consider the use of checklists which can ensure all elements are identified and nothing is forgotten. This should ensure that not only are the changes controlled but that they are evaluated in a consistent way regardless of the team member performing the action.

Change Creates potential new exposure

It is necessary to consider the change using SMS tools to proactively consider the potential for new (even unexpected) exposures any additional hazards must be considered for exposure and where required additional mitigation strategies proposed before the initial change is actually implemented.

Factors to be considered during Management of Change Review Processes

a) High Level support and commitment where required from Senior Management;
b) Impact and possible need to consider Safety Culture and Behaviour in the context of the proposed change;
c) Justification for the proposed change – Cost effectiveness, Reduction in Exposure;
d) Effective communication of the need for the change together with the benefits and also additional issues which may occur;
e) Are there any threats in respect of the proposed change which may need special consideration or actions – Employee “buy in” for example!;
f) Full commitment and ownership of each element of the change from conception to delivery.

Sofema Aviation Services offers a range of EASA compliant vocational and regulatory training. For any comments or questions please email

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Aerodrome, SMS Process, SMS Aerodrome Developments