October 23, 2017


Introduction by Steve Bentley MD SAS (www.sassofia.com)

SAS together with our 147 partner AETS is pleased to present a 5 day intensive Aviation Instructor Train the Train program focused on EASA Part 145 & Part 147 Instructor Techniques.

The following content is an example of what is covered during the training – for the full program please see the following.


Speaking in public is a learnable skill, you can benefit from planning, practice and preparation. Engaging your audience by communication in a way which resonates with the audience.

Keep your students involved with your message by asking leading questions targeted to individuals or groups, in addition use every effort to encourage people to participate and ask questions.

Try to avoid reading word-for-word from your notes. (unless you are sharing a legal or regulatory text which is then going to be discussed “free form” It is however very worthwhile to, make a list of important points which you could even write on cards and which serves as an “aide memoire.”

Do not hide behind a podium it is not intended to be a crutch, walk around a little, and try to use gestures to connect with the audience, our energy and motivation if presented in a good way will not only come through in our voice but will show us as more active and passionate.

With practice comes confidence, prepared material affords you the opportunity to prepare and to modify the content until it is free flowing and natural. Reduce your speed of delivery so that you are able to form all your words as a technique breathing more deeply will support this in a positive way. Take convenient pauses and never be afraid to gather your thoughts not only are pauses an important part of our conversation, they can make us sound more confident, natural, and authentic.

Focus on your audience: your reason for being there at this time is to share your knowledge or message with your students. In fact an excellent technique is to focus on one friendly face at a time, and talk to that person as if he or she is the only one in the room.

Concentrate on their wants and needs, instead of your own. Face off your fears! Avoid going into negative territory as such thoughts add no value to your delivery – rise to the occasion and show as Obama said “yes I can”.

We need to pay attention to our body language: try to stand up straight and take deep breaths, make the effort to look people in the eye, and smile. The audience constantly reads our body language – we actually provide a constant visual presentation which provides an insight to how we actually feel if we are nervous, or worse if we do not believe in what you’re saying, the audience can soon understand the true position.

How can I register to the EASA Part 145 & Part 147 Instructor Techniques training?

Please follow this link and click the “Register” button or email office@sassofia.com.


EASA Part 145, instructor techniques, Part 147