August 29, 2016


We have several industry generic problems within the environment of Aviation Maintenance Planning Documentation related to the comprehension of Regulatory inspired documentation.

a) Long sentences related to regulatory requirements for example Federal Aviation Requirements (FAR) and Certification Specifications (CS).

b) Insufficient details in the original documentation with some steps omitted by the editors of task cards.

c) Multiple meaning for an English word (especially abbreviation).


Abbreviation is a general problem with different manufactures using different words or phrases to describe the same thing in their manuals.

The following types of error predominate within the Aircraft Maintenance Environment:

a) The task is complex
b) The task instructions are complex
c) The communication channel interferes with good communication
d) Time pressure prevents the Mechanic or Engineer from asking other people for help
e) The Mechanic or Engineer has inadequate written English ability
f) The Mechanic or Engineer has inadequate written English ability
g) The Mechanic or Engineer reverts to their native language under stress
h) The Mechanic or Engineer is unwilling to expose their lack of English
i) Time pressure makes the Mechanic or Engineer rush to finish

Please consider the following different error driving scenarios

Verbal – Synchronous Errors occur in communication

Non Verbal – Asynchronous occur in written communication

Lets consider first verbal communication (Synchronous) – Aircraft Maintenance Engineers and colleagues or supervisors have poorly matched models of their own and each other’s English ability.

Native English speakers with different regional English accents (e.g. UK, India, and Caribbean) create additional challenges to promote adequate communications.

Now to look at written communication (Asynchronous) – Aircraft Maintenance Engineers unable to understand information including safety placards in English.

Aircraft Maintenance Engineers unable to understand written English documentation.

Foreign documentation poorly translated into English.

Consider the following mitigation possibilities:

a) The document uses terminology consistent with other documents
b) The document follows good design practice
c) Improve familiarity with the task
d) Mentoring to improve comprehension evidenced by tests
e) Tasks assigned to the mechanic or engineer based on English ability
f) Teamed with a native English speaker to perform the job

Factors which improve overall task card of document “Usability”:

a) The General Readability of the document
b) Continuity within the document and attachments
c) The ease of locating information within the document
d) The possibility or chance of missing Information
e) Ease of understanding of the information delivered by the document
f) Relationship between the graphics (figures) and text
g) The amount of information which has been provided
h) Consistency and Compatibility within the organisational system
i) The amount of graphical images which is used
j) The use of simple aviation English language

Sofema Aviation Services offers training and consultancy for EASA compliant aviation as well as vocational training including Aviation English vocational training. For details please see or email:

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