February 18, 2019

Steven Bentley

Introduced by Sofema Aviation Services www.sassofia.com

Note 1 – This appendix carries essential information relevant to the management and oversight responsibilities of an Organisation, both internally within the organisation and externally related to subcontracting service providers.

(a) General

An operator must have a sound and effective management structure in order to ensure the safe conduct of air operations.

Nominated post holders must have managerial competency together with appropriate technical/operational qualifications in aviation.


Note 2 – Consider the challenge of managing and maintaining competence – how is it controlled? how is it managed and against what standard is it audited?

(b) Nominated Post Holders

(1) A description of the functions and the responsibilities of the nominated post holders, including their names, must be contained in the Operations Manual and the Authority must be given notice in writing of any intended or actual change in appointments or functions.

(2) The operator must make arrangements to ensure continuity of supervision in the absence of nominated post holders.

 Note 3 – The use of deputies – again the challenge of maintaining currency & competence

 (3) A person nominated as a post holder by the holder of an AOC/Authority must not be nominated as a post holder by the holder of any AOC/Authority, unless acceptable to the Authorities concerned.

(4) Persons nominated as post holders must be contracted to work sufficient hours to fulfil the management functions associated with the scale and scope of the operation (See AC to Appendix 2(b)(4) OPS 1.175).


(c) Adequacy and supervision of staff

(1) Crew members. The operator must employ sufficient flight and cabin crew for the planned operation, trained and checked in accordance with Subpart N and Subpart O as appropriate.

(2) Ground Staff

Note 4 – Significant challenges in managing subcontracted organisations to ensure acceptance. In addition, consider the specific role of the Post Holder which is Quality Control and the Independent Role of the Quality Assurance System – How are each element defined and how do we measure the effectiveness. How to impact external organisations competence management systems?

(i) The number of ground staff is dependent upon the nature and the scale of operations. Operations and ground handling departments, in particular, must be staffed by trained personnel who have a thorough understanding of their responsibilities within the organisation.

(ii) An operator contracting other organisations to provide certain services retains responsibility for the maintenance of proper standards. In such circumstances, a nominated post holder must be given the task of ensuring that any contractor employed meets the required standards.

(iii) All ground handling operations must be described in a relevant section of the Operations Manual or in a separate volume (Ground Handling Manual).

(3) Supervision

(i) The number of supervisors to be appointed is dependent upon the structure of the operator and the number of staff employed.

(ii) (ii) The duties and responsibilities of these supervisors must be defined, and any other commitments arranged so that they can discharge their supervisory responsibilities.

(iii) The supervision of crew members and ground staff must be exercised by individuals possessing experience and personal qualities sufficient to ensure the attainment of the standards specified in the operations manual.

(4) Accommodation facilities

Note 5 – Each Element can be individually assessed against an organisation standard – consider the importance of defining the organisational standard so that it can be independently audited

1) An operator must ensure that working space available at each operating base is sufficient for personnel pertaining to the safety of flight operations.

Consideration must be given to the needs of ground staff

a) those concerned with operational control,

b) the storage and display of essential records, and

c) flight planning by crews.

2) Office services must be capable, without delay, of distributing operational instructions and other information to all concerned.

(5) Documentation. The operator must make arrangements for the production of manuals, amendments and other documentation.


Sofema Aviation Services www.sassofia.com and our online partner SofemaOnline www.sofemaonline.com offer classroom and regulatory training compliant with EASA, FAA and UAE GCAA Regulations and include vocational training – for details please email office@sassofia.com

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