
Considerations related to EASA Part CAMO

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April 22, 2020


Sofema Aviation Services looks at EASA Part CAMO and what it means for our Industry. EASA Part CAMO Introduction With the introduction of Regulation (EU) 2019/1383 amending Regulation (EU) No 1321/2014 We have a new structure to consider in the domain of Continuing Airworthiness (CAW). Effective 24 March 2020 we have two specific organisation Part-…

Considering Continuing Airworthiness Tasks & Aircraft Maintenance Program (AMP) in an EASA Part-ML Environment

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Airworthiness Tasks

April 15, 2020


Presented by Sofema Aviation Services ( Continuing Airworthiness Tasks The aircraft continuing airworthiness and the serviceability of operational and emergency equipment shall be ensured by: (a) the accomplishment of pre-flight inspections; (b) the rectification of any defect and damage affecting safe operation in accordance with data specified in points ML.A.304 and ML.A.401, as applicable, while…

Continuing Airworthiness Responsibility of Part-ML Aircraft related to Commercial Approved Training Organisation / Declared Training Organisation ATO/DTO

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Continuing Airworthiness Responsibility

April 14, 2020


Sofema Aviation Services considers the responsibilities related to the management of Continuing Airworthiness. An Approved Training Organisation (ATO) is required to comply with Part ORA of Regulation (EU) No 1178/2011 and either Part-NCC or Part-NCO of Regulation (EU) No 965/2012, depending on the aircraft being operated. Part-ORO is not applicable to ATOs. Declared Training Organisation…

Considering the Key Features of a Combined Airworthiness Organisation – EASA Part-CAO

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April 09, 2020


Introduction by Steve Bentley – CEO of Sofema Aviation Services What is a Combined Airworthiness Organisation (Part-CAO)? Essentially it provides a new simplified organisation approval for General Aviation (GA) which provides an alleviation against many of the requirements (For example – No Safety Management System (SMS)). The Part-CAO was not created only to replace…