
Human Factors Analysis and Classification System (HFACS)

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February 20, 2020


Sofema Aviation Services ( considers the HFACS Framework. Introduction Spurred by increasing problems with human performance, the Human Factors Analysis and Classification System (HFACS) was developed by behavioural scientists in the United States Navy. Messer’s Wiegmann and Shappell referenced James Reasons Swiss-cheese model of accident causation. The goal of HFACS is not to attribute blame,…

How Important are Electrostatic Discharge Sensitive Procedures (ESDS) in our Aviation Maintenance System?

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February 19, 2020


SofemaOnline answers your questions. Introduction what are electrostatic-sensitive devices (ESD) An Electrostatic Component may be considered as any component (typically electrical) which can potentially be damaged by static charges. Charges can build upon people, tools, as well as other non-conducting or semi-conducting materials. Electrostatic Voltages if measured may be many thousands of volts and it is…

AETS-Sofema: Your No1 Provider for Maintenance Engine Ground Run Training

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Engine Ground Run

February 17, 2020


Introduction by Steve Bentley – CEO and Accountable Manager of AETS-Sofema EASA Part 147 Organisation BG.147.0005 Are you looking for professional Aircraft Engine Ground Running (EGR) Training? Introduction AETS-Sofema is a leading provider of Engine Ground Running Training for Aircraft Maintenance Engineers. Our courses are specifically designed with our Instructor, interacting with and providing detailed…

Engine Ground Running (EGR) training and Critical Importance Considerations

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Engine Ground Running

February 11, 2020


Training is the structured approach to enhance someone’s knowledge which often involves the undertaking of specific taught courses (theoretical knowledge) or on the job training (skills) where a person is given the knowledge needed to apply theory into practice. Often it is the combination of both. The EGR training without a doubt should be composed…