
Aviation Root Cause Analysis – Processes for Validation

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Sofema Aviation Services considers the best practices and challenges related to the validation of initial root cause analysis and assessments for mitigation effectiveness.

November 09, 2023

Steven Bentley

Sofema Aviation Services (SAS) considers the best practices and challenges related to the validation of initial root cause analysis and assessments for mitigation effectiveness. Introduction The RCA process typically involves a detailed investigation of the incident or accident, the identification of contributing factors, and the development of corrective actions to prevent the recurrence of similar…

Considerations related to EASA Part 66 On-the-Job Training (OJT)

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EASA-Part=66-On-the-Job Training-(OJT)

November 09, 2023

Steven Bentley

Sofema Aviation Services (SAS) considers the terms, definitions and differences related to EASA Part 66 On the Job Training (OJT) perspective. Introduction The objective of EASA Part 66 OJT is to gain the required competence and experience in performing safe maintenance. OJT assessment addresses the additional practical experience necessary to gain in a true maintenance environment…

FOD Maintenance Procedures Overview

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FOD-Maintenance Procedures

November 09, 2023

Steven Bentley

Sofema Aviation Services (SAS) considers the need for FOD Maintenance procedures, best practices, and Cautions. Maintenance Procedures Overview Important Note The goal of a FOD prevention program is not just to detect and remove FOD but to prevent its occurrence in the first place.  For effective oversight, it is recommended to have a FOD manager…

Developing an EASA Compliant Aerodrome Audit Program

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aerodrome audit

November 08, 2023

Steven Bentley

Sofema Aviation Services (SAS) considers the criteria which should be assessed during an aerodrome audit to ensure a regulatory-compliant aerodrome operation. Introduction Introduction to the Performance of Mandatory Regulatory Audits at EASA Certified Aerodromes. An aerodrome operator is tasked with the responsibility of monitoring compliance ensuring that activities are carried out safely. This encompasses a…