
EASA CS 25 Aisle clearance – Main aisles/Cross aisles

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June 03, 2022


Considerations related to aisle clearance with respect to seat installations Ref EASA CM No.: CM-CS-007 Issue 01 issued 25 July 2018 & Regulatory requirement(s): CS 25.815 Sofema Aviation Services (SAS) considers changes related to the regulations concerning the Aircraft Aisle Width. Definition  – Front Row Seat – A seat installed aft of an interior…

Aviation Leadership Skills – Initial Preparation to Plan Your Negotiation Strategy

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Negotiation Strategy

June 01, 2022


Sofema Aviation Services (SAS) considers the key negotiation strategy to prepare for the best outcome when negotiating aircraft lease agreements or other critical aviation contracts. Introduction Without a doubt, a lack of preparation is the primary reason for coming unstuck. However, it does not have to be so and with careful planning you can…

Managing Pressure and Stress on the Ramp – Consider Cause and Effect

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Pressure and Stress

May 30, 2022


Sofema Aviation Services (SAS) considers issues related to Pressure and Stress within the Aircraft Ramp Environment. Introduction – Pressure Can Cause Stress Note the comment “Can” because it is not guaranteed it depends very much on the individual coping mechanisms. In fact, the degree of stress experienced depends on the functioning of two protective physiological…

EASA Aircraft Seat Certification Considerations – Head Impact Criteria (HIC)

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May 30, 2022


Review by Sofema Aviation Services (SAS) – Head Impact Criteria (HIC) Introduction Payload / Range Payload – as the name implies – is everything that gets transported for money. Payload comprises of: number of passengers to be transported (number of seats in each class) mass and volume of carry-on baggage per passenger (in each…