September 12, 2024


Sofema Aviation Services shares the latest events in the Aviation business from around the world in our Aviation Weekly News Roundup:

> Fighting ‘flygskam’: Sweden to scrap aviation tax
Sweden’s decision to scrap air passenger duty from summer 2025 has angered many who think that people ought to be priced off aeroplanes. Speaking to IATA and other interested parties, Aerospace Global News looks deeper into the decisions behind an often emotive subject. Read more

> International Civil Aviation Organisation hold first event for advanced air mobility technologies
The International Civil Aviation Organisation held its first-ever symposium dedicated to discussing Advanced Air Mobility technologies that will benefit sustainable development worldwide. Read more

> E-Cigs Lead In Av-Related Thermal-Runaway Incidents
Vaping devices and portable chargers are often stored in checked bags. Read more

> NTSB Safety Alerts Emphasize Proper Use of Aircraft Deicing Systems
Pilots were told not to wait for ice accumulation before turning on the deicing systems. Read more

> Europe Struggles With Aviation Fuel Taxation Policy
Trade and environmental groups clash over plans to impose aviation fuel taxes. Read more

> What Aircraft Operators Need to Know About the Recent European Data Link Mandate Before Flying to Europe
The European Union (EU) has chosen to augment the Aircraft Communications Addressing and Reporting System (ACARS) with European Controller Pilot Data Link Communications (CPDLC). The addition of CPDLC to ACARS was designed to provide additional communication options to connect flight crews to air traffic controllers and increase flight safety. Read more

> Airlines must monitor vapour trails under new EU climate rules
The controversial new green plans, opposed by the industry, were agreed by officials on Friday. Read more

> The prices of the SOL Corporate Freedom Pass are frozen until the end of September – Enjoy now!
This September, companies of all sizes can benefit from the best rates for the Corporate Freedom Pass (CFP) program. The prices are frozen until the end of the month. Read more

> A Free (EU) Regulation 965/2012 Introduction Training is available through a SOL Plus Membership – Get certified today!
Is free training available at Sofema Online? Absolutely! Grab a SOL Plus membership & enjoy the (EU) Regulation 965/2012 Introduction Training with Voiceover (VO). You’ll earn a certificate to verify your training achievement upon course completion. Read more


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IATA, Pilots, Aircraft Operators, Aviation Business, Aviation fuel, Aviation News, SOL Plus, International Civil Aviation Organisation (ICAO), Aviation Weekly News Roundup, Corporate Freedom Pass (CFP), EU) Regulation 965/2012, SOL Corporate Freedom Pass, (EU) Regulation 965/2012 Introduction Training