September 27, 2024


Sofema Aviation Services shares the latest events in the Aviation business from around the world in our Aviation Weekly News Roundup:

> FAA Bans Remote Supervision in Aircraft Maintenance
As of September 24, 2024, the FAA has clarified that non-licensed aircraft technicians must be supervised in person, 100% of the time, effectively banning remote supervision for maintenanceactivities. This move aims to ensure better oversight and improve safety standards across the aviation industry. Read more

> Solving Talent Gaps in Charter and Business Aviation: Strategies for Recruitment, Retention, and Reputation
The charter and business aviation industries face significant hurdles in attracting and retaining talent, exacerbated by post-pandemic workforce shortages.Read more

> Solving Aviation’s Carbon Challenges: Next generation Hybrid-Electric, Hydrogen, and SAF Propulsion Systems
As the aviation industry seeks to reduce its carbon footprint, the development of hybrid-electric, hydrogen, and sustainable aviation fuel (SAF) propulsion systems is key to overcoming environmental challenges. Read more

> Aviation Capacity in Europe Reaches Plateau Amid Rising Airfares
A report from CAPA notes that aviation capacity in Europe has stabilized, with no significant short-term growth expected.This cautious approach reflects fluctuating demand and rising operational costs, with airlines prioritizing financial health over rapid expansion. Read more

> Cutting Through Greenwashing: How Travel Buyers Can Ensure Real Sustainability in Aviation
Travel buyers face increasing challenges in managing their company’s indirect greenhouse gas emissions, often relying on accurate data from airlines. Anti-greenwashing regulations aim to provide clearer, decision-useful information, empowering travel buyers to distinguish between genuine sustainability efforts and misleading environmental claims.Read more 

> Airlines must monitor vapour trails under new EU climate rules
The controversial new green plans, opposed by the industry, were agreed by officials on Friday. Read more

> Record Baggage Fee Earnings in EU and US Spark Aviation Industry Debate
A new report reveals that airlines in the EU and US have achieved record earnings from baggage fees, igniting debate within the aviation industry. Read more

> What Airline Food Used to Look Like
Once a hallmark of luxury, meals served on flights in the 1950s to 1970s often featured gourmet dishes, multi-course meals, and even freshly carved meats. In stark contrast, today’s in-flight dining typically features pre-packaged meals and more simplified offerings, especially in economy class. Read more 

> Aircraft Reliability Training in Bangkok – Early Bird Discount Ending Soon Sofema Aviation Services is offering a specialized Aircraft Reliability Training program in Bangkok from November 4-8, 2024. Participants can benefit from a 10% Early Bird discount for registrations made before October 7, 2024.Read more

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Aircraft Maintenance, Aviation Industry, FAA, Sustainability, Aviation Weekly News Roundup, hydrogen aviation, Aircraft Technicians, sustainable aviation fuel (SAF), baggage handling, business aviation, operational costs, CAPA, environmental challenges, carbon footprint, hybrid-electric