June 22, 2015

Steven Bentley

Sofema Aviation Services is happy to announce the first Boeing 737-600/700/800/900 (CFM56)_T1/T2 – EASA PART 66 – B1 & B2 Combined Theoretical Course scheduled to be delivered from 26th July to 2nd September 2015.

The training will be delivered at Jet Aviation Maintenance Facility, Dubai Airport Free Zone DAFZ, Dubai, UAE.

The course fee per student is 2975 Euro per delegate.

This training is in compliance with EASA Part-66, Appendix III “Type Training and Examination Standard”.

The participant will acquire the knowledge necessary to perform and certify maintenance tasks permitted to be carried out as certifying staff category B1& B2.

It provides detailed description, operation, component location, removal/installation, bite and troubleshooting procedures to a maintenance manual level.

If you want to receive more information or to register on this training please email office@sassofia.com or follow the link https://sassofia.com/course/boeing-737-600700800900-cfm56_t1t2-easa-part-66-b1-b2-combined-theoretical-course/

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EASA Part 66, CFM56, Boeing 737, Theoretical course, B1 & B2