December 04, 2019

Steven Bentley

Danil Danailov – an instructor with an excellent working knowledge of all aviation principles and practices, on behalf of Sofema Aviation Services, was pleased to support our Privileged Training Partner – MAUtechnic LLC, by delivering EASA Part 145 – Aviation Production Planning – 2 Days.

About the instructor:

Danail Danailov has more than 40 years of work experience and he has a reputation for high-quality services, ability to work with all levels of staff and management with minimum supervision and proactive leadership techniques.

A bit more about the training:

This in-depth 2 Day course considers best practice processes for accomplishing the various tasks which together make up the challenging role of Production Planning. It is specifically designed for people with direct involvement in Part 145 Planning functions whether in a Management Supervisory or Administrative role.
At the end of this training, the delegate should have a comprehensive understanding of the Roles and responsibilities associated with Production Planning and the importance of delivering an effective Production Planning Function within the organization.

About Sofema Aviation Services:

At Sofema Aviation Services we are focused on delivering training which is enriching, educational, and enlightening. Our aim is to achieve and maintain the highest standards of regulatory training and to deliver at the most competitive price.

Since 2008 SAS has delivered training and issued certificates to more than 20,000 delegates throughout multiple regions on several different continents.
Sofema Aviation Services is a consultancy specializing in the various aspects of relevant training to an adult audience. Our training sessions are meticulously planned and are designed for maximum efficiency because we know that your time is valuable.

Are you looking for an Open Training or Training in your Company?

Sofema Aviation Services and our sister company Sofema Online provide classroom and online training for regulatory and vocational training fully compliant with EASA requirements.

We are very happy to be assessed by your quality system and continuously strive to exceed your highest expectations. Please contact us to discuss your training needs and to identify how Sofema Aviation Services can support you at

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EASA Part 145, 145 Production Planning Course, InCompany