July 03, 2017

Steven Bentley

Managing Organisational Competence in a 145 Environment provides a regulatory perspective on the requirements to manage competency and provide a working process for building an Organisational Competency Assessment Road Map.

Our Special Competence & Quality Package consists of:

1. Root Cause Analysis for Quality Assurance Practitioners;

2. Aviation Compliance Auditing In an EASA Environment;

3. Managing Organisational Competence in a 145 Environment.

Regular Price of three training: 225 USD

Package Price: Only 145 USD

Link for registration: https://easaonline.com/lms/e-learning/93-easa-part-145-competence-amp-quality-package/preview

See below the details of each training.

Root Cause Analysis for Quality Assurance Practitioners

The ability to understand exposure and to analyze root causes are without doubt essential skills for auditors and managers alike.

The purpose of this training is to identify best practice techniques and behaviours to support the delivery of effective Root Cause Analysis

This course is intended to be highly practical and to help the delegate focus on the 5 elements which exist within a finding or issue.

Aviation Compliance Auditing In an EASA Environment

This course delivers a comprehensive understanding of all elements of an Aviation Compliance led Quality Management System (QMS). An effective Compliance Management Process can help to support the organisation in the most meaningful and tangible way. Organisations which can deliver the most effective quality audit system, together with an efficient process to follow up with all identified issues in a practical way, can excel in the delivery of their core products and services.

Such organisations are usually also well placed to react quickly and efficiently to any identified shortfall. This course is designed specifically for all aviation professionals who need to function within an EASA compliant Quality System.

Managing Organisational Competence in a 145 Environment

The primary purpose of this training is to provide a regulatory perspective on the requirements to manage competency together with a comprehensive understanding of the requirement for the effective Management and Measurement of Competencies within the organisation.

The training supports an understanding of the best practice techniques to deliver effective Competence Management and control within your organisation.

In addition the training provides for an effective understanding regarding the challenges to implement effective Competence Management and Assessment processes within your organisations, including the need to managing the training requirements for Competence Assessors and Managers.

About EASAOnline

EASAOnline (EOL) is a service provided by SAS, offering a range of EASA compliant online video & regulatory courses.

The training courses are designed to be both effective and to help you reach the correct level of understanding in the comfort of your own home or office.

The course content is followed by an online examination after which you are able to print out your certificate.

Through its Learning Management System (LMS), EOL is able to offer a number of tailored services to support our major clients with in-company courses covering internal procedures and “mini” training courses.

The portfolio of available training courses is constantly being expanded and includes all the 145 recurrent training courses, ESDS, SMS, Maintenance Planning and Production Planning. As well as the generic courses which are loaded and available for all users. There are company specific courses, which can only be accessed by your nominated delegate.The offer is not combinable with multiple courses/users discounts.

For groups of more than 50 delegates additional discounts are available, please inquire: easaonline@sassofia.com

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EASA Part 145, EASA Compliant Part 145