March 14, 2018

Steven Bentley

Sofema Aviation Services is Pleased to Places still available book now

29th to 30th March – Metro Hotel Dublin Airport

This intensive 2 Day course considers best practice processes for accomplishing the various tasks which together make up the challenging role of Maintenance Planning, whilst at the same time considering opportunities to optimize the effectiveness of the process.
The course is delivered by industry practitioners with many years of real and relevant experience.

It is specifically designed for people with a direct involvement in EASA Part M Subpart C Planning functions whether in a Management Supervisory or Administrative role. However it will service as a beneficial training program for anyone with responsibilities which include delivering effective Aircraft Maintenance.

It will also be of benefit to Quality Audit Staff and persons who normally work within the Part M CAMO environment, particularly if elements of the Maintenance Planning Process are outsourced.
What is the Benefit of this Training – What will I learn? –

* Have an awareness of the structure composition and impact of EASA Part M Maintenance Planning Regulations.

* Understanding Organisational Roles and Responsibilities Compliant with the management of the Maintenance Program.

* Understand the development and approval of the Aircraft Maintenance Program (AMP)

* Understanding the need to co-ordinate with Production Planning and availability and the control of approved data.

* Detailed understanding of options related to Work Planning and Scheduling.

* Be able to explain how the Maintenance Review Board Process (MRB) Works – MSG 3

* Understand the Aircraft Certification Process SSA ALI CMR & CDCCL works and how it affects the maintenance program.

* Have confidence in full EASA compliance and the ability to appreciate opportunity to optimise the planning process.

* Be able to demonstrate Part M CAMO Functionality related to Maintenance Planning and to have the knowledge to avoid or mitigate problems
For additional Detail please see the Training Alert here

or to register please email

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EASA Part M Maintenance Planning Fundamentals, Dublin training session