August 24, 2020

Steven Bentley

SofemaOnline (SOL) considers the case for part 145 competence building.

Introduction – It’s not just about mandatory training!

The performance of an individual within the team, as well as the company performance and success, depends on individual competencies.

It is important to recognise that there are multiple elements which can contribute to the highest level of performance:

  • Employee’s ability to engage with their role
  • The relationship across the business held by the employee
  • The degree of understanding related to the role requirements
  • Individual moral and the effect on performance

Note – Basic training alone for each employee is never enough to deliver both high-quality results and long-term engagement.

Delivering Effective Competence within the EASA Part 145 Organisation

A combination of performance and engagement which is fed and supported by a range of interesting and varied work together with ongoing guidance and support will enable them to excel in respective their roles and will undoubtable provide a positive impact across the business.

Please consider the following Statements:

  • Highly Effective EASA Part 145 Organisations appreciate that their success in part depends on managing employee competence at the highest level.
  • Regulatory compliant vocational training provides a process which is both standardized and measurable across the business providing for a consistent & controlled approach.
  • Employee motivation is higher when they are able to perform in a transparent competency-based framework.

Whilst Part 145 approved organisations are required to ensure their certifying and support staff receive continuation training within a two year period. AMC 145.A.35(d) this is only a small part of the story.

The entire maintenance team which includes all active roles should remain competent at the highest possible level if the organisation is going to remain successful.

Please see the following document for guidance on the multiple courses which are available for persons within the EASA Part 145 organisation:

Annex II to Implementing Rule EU 1321/2014 and the corresponding Acceptable Means of Compliance (AMC) and Guidance Materials (GM) cover in detail the specific regulatory requirements which should of course be embraced in their entirety.

Note – Regulatory compliance alone will not make an organisation successful it is a combination of effective business practices and strong culture which will successfully drive the organisation forward.

Organisations which provide training focused on Competence building rather than regulatory compliance (which should be a given) benefit substantially from a higher level of employee engagement.

Measures of successful engagement include the willingness to report any identified lack of conformances or perceived workplace hazards related to part 145 regulatory & organisational requirements.

Further Steps

SofemaOnline currently offers 200 EASA and FAA Regulatory Compliant & Vocational Training Courses, available as individual Courses, Packages and Diploma Programs.

Please see or email

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aviation, EASA Part 145, Guidance Material, EASA Part 145 Organisation, Acceptable Means of Compliance, SOL Training, EASA Part 145 Training, Aircraft Maintenance Organisation (AMO)