May 31, 2019

Steven Bentley

Sofema Aviation Services is pleased to introduce you the newest course Available:

EASA Basic Regulation 1139/2018 Executive Introduction and Review

You can request it for your In-Company Training or Open Session


About the training:

On 11th September 2018 entered in force the new EASA Basic Regulation No 1139/2018 which repeals existing Regulation (EU) 216/2008.
The so-called new Basic Regulation formalises EASA’s role in the domain of drones and urban air mobility, enabling the Agency to prepare rules for all sizes of civil drones and harmonize standards for the commercial market across Europe.
The regulation enlarges the Agency’s role in areas such as environmental protection, research and development, or international cooperation.

This training is specifically focused on the key oversight responsibilities of EASA Competent Authorities.

What are the benefits – What will I learn?

a) Understand and Familiarise with key elements of the New Basic Regulation

b) How to Assess Effective Compliance with the key deliverables of Regulation 1139 – Industry Responsibilities & Competent Authority Responsibilities

c) Familiarization with the relationship and roles related to aviation within the jurisdiction of EASA and the Member States.


-EASA regulatory Overview & development of Basic regulation 1592/2002, 216.2008 & 1139/2018
-Basic Regulation Structure Detail Review
-Basic Regulation Roles, Responsibilities and Objectives in the following Areas
-Aviation Safety
-Cyber Security
-Ground Handling
-Single European Sky (SES)
-Air Traffic Management/ Air Navigation Services (ATM/ANS…See the full content

What do People Say about Sofema Aviation Services Training?

“The course exceeded my expectations.”
“Everything was in appropriate timing and in a good climate.”
“Maximum points for the instructor’s effort and explanation from me.”
“The instructor provided enough room for all the questions to be asked”
“We received a lot of additional information to make things clearer.”

You can request the Training as an “Open Session” so you or delegates send by your organisation can attend or as an “In-Company Session” – we can deliver the training in your facilities to all aviation professionals who need it. Please see here what are the perks of the “In-Company session” or email

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New Training, Regulation 1139/2018, Executive introduction