July 13, 2023


We are delighted to share that Sofema Online has launched a new course:

Aircraft Ramp Safety and Ramp Human Factors Initial Training

About the training:

Ramp accidents cost major airlines worldwide at least US$10 billion a year, the data indicates. These accidents affect airport operations, result in personnel injuries, and damage aircraft, facilities and ground-support equipment. The importance of Human Factors Initial training for Ground Staff has been increasingly recognized as part of the effective management of competency within the ramp environment. Moreover, from September 2017 ISAGO accreditation requires ramp staff to undergo such training. Sofema Aviation Services developed a course, to raise awareness among all organisational elements of Ramp Safety.

Delegates will understand the exposure created by Human Factors and will get familiar with the best practice safety procedures on the ramp. The primary goal of Aircraft Ramp Safety and Ramp Human Factors Training is to create a positive environment which will help to lower turnaround and Layover. Additional benefits will be: understanding the importance of Communications and Team Behaviour, reducing human errors, mitigating risks and developing a safe attitude and behaviour. More details about the benefits

Course type: Presentation without voice over
Duration: Equivalent to 2-day classroom training
Price: 125 EUR

What is the content of this training?

  • Abbreviations & Definitions
  • General Introduction to Safety on the Ramp
  • Safety on the Ramp 1
  • Motivation and Attitude
  • Reporting Errors and Hazards, Internal Safety Reporting Scheme
  • Human Behaviour and Introduction to the “Dirty Dozen”
  • Avoiding and Managing Errors
  • Violations
  • Situational Awareness and Ramp Dangers
  • Management Pressure and Stress on the Ramp – Consider Cause and Effect
  • Time Pressure and Deadlines
  • Factors Affecting Performance – Alcohol, Medication, and Drug Abuse
  • Sleep, Fatigue & Shift Work
  • Ramp Safety Ergonomics and Effective Precautions
  • Delivery Effective Teamworking Processes

 Read more about the content and the learning objectives

Soft Copy of the material

  • Special offer for Groups of 3 or more: If you have a minimum of 3 delegates registered together for a SOL online course, your nominated Course Leader / Administrator will be able to request a Free of charge soft copy of the training material.
  • Price drop of offline access to SOL training material: From 1 January 2023, we are pleased to provide you with offline access to SOL course material for a nominal fee of €30 (€125) per training day. Please email team@sassofia.com with your request for soft copy material. Read more

How to register?

Visit the course’s page here and enroll directly on the website or email team@sassofia.com  for group enrollments.

What’s more?

  • Existing customers are welcome to join the membership program – SOL Plus, Enjoy a Welcome Gift of 50% off any single course of your choice + multiple discount opportunities.
  • Receive unlimited access to 300+ training programs for 1 year – Take a Freedom Pass if you are an individual or Get a Corporate Freedom Pass for your organisation!
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performance factors, Ramp 1, human behaviour, time pressure, safety reporting scheme, errors and hazards, dirty dozen, situational awareness, effective teamworking processes, Human Factors Training, ramp dangers, motivation and attitude, ramp accidents, SAS PR, Aircraft Ramp Safety, Violations, Safety Audit for Ground Operations (ISAGO), SOL Training