April 02, 2021


Aeroclub Romania is a public institution subordinated to the Ministry of Transport and Infrastructure, having under its subordination 15 territorial aeroclubs throughout the country, being a unit for training and improvement of civil aeronautical personnel, as well as a performance sports structure with an aeronautical profile. The organization and development of courses and programs for initiation, training, instruction and improvement, theoretical and practical, flight, as well as parachuting for its own aeronautical personnel and for athletes licensed at Aeroclub Romania, in accordance with the legal regulations in force.

About the training:

Part 147 & Part 66 Regulatory Training and Development of MTOE & TNA ā€“ 4 Days

This course provides delegates with detailed understanding of Part 147 approved training organisations together with a detailed review of Part 66.In addition the training will support the development of your a Maintenance Training Organisation Exposition (MTOE) together with the best practices for constructing and controlling training courses.

The course is aimed specifically at, stakeholders as well those with limited Part 66 knowledge, who never the less require a fundamental understanding of their obligations and responsibilities In addition the course will be suitable for Accountable Managers, Training Organisation Managers and persons wishing to expand their knowledge of Part 147 & Part 66. It also focuses on the specific responsibilities of the Part 147 Form 4 holder.

Delegatesā€™ feedback after completing the training:

“The instructor did everything well, in my opinion he explained correctly the topic.”
“I think the instructor did very well. I don’t think anything needs to be improved.”
“I think the instructor was concise and clear in explaining all the chapters in this course, as well as in the answers to the questions asked by the students during the course.”

About Sofema Aviation Services

Active across several continents SAS provides a clear understanding of the regulatory environment and acts as enablers to help organisations focus on organisational performance with the understanding that Regulatory Compliance is a step on the journey and not the destination.

Our Instructional Team is sincere, knowledgeable, and experienced with a focus on effective delivery of interesting and relevant training to an adult audience.
Sofema Aviation ServicesĀ www.sassofia.comĀ and our sister company SofemaOnlineĀ www.sofemaonline.comĀ provide classroom and online training for regulatory and vocational training fully compliant with EASA requirements.

Are you looking for an Open Training or Training in your Company?
For additional details regarding any of our ā€œIn-companyā€ or ā€œOpen trainingā€ courses please see our website or please emailĀ team@sassofia.com