October 03, 2024


Insight from Steven Bentley, CEO of Sofema Group: Tackling the challenges of developing integrated EASA Regulatory Training Courses

Sofema Aviation Services (SAS) has made the decision to no longer offer extensive regulatory course merging based on our actual experiences that have highlighted the drawbacks of such an approach. (Including Instructor Overload and Delegate Dissatisfaction.

We continue to offer customer focused customization to align our courses with the organisation and delegate experience.

While combining training materials into broader courses might seem efficient, our experience has shown that it often leads to suboptimal outcomes for delegates. To provide the most value to learners, training providers must carefully navigate the challenges of over-merging content and develop strategies to ensure more focused and cohesive learning experiences.

One of the key lessons we’ve learned is that merging too much content dilutes the core objectives of individual courses. Delegates may only gain a superficial understanding of critical topics, which limits their mastery and fails to address their specific needs. Instead of gaining in-depth knowledge on each subject, learners are often left with a generalized understanding that lacks depth and applicability. This not only reduces the overall effectiveness of the training but also diminishes the relevance of specific topics to their professional roles.

Another significant challenge is the risk of conflicting learning objectives when multiple modules are merged. Confusion can arise as learners struggle to prioritize which outcomes to focus on, particularly when particular content is forced together. This results in cognitive overload, decreased retention of important concepts, and a course experience that feels disjointed.

Through our experience, we have also found that when courses attempt to cover too much material, the content often feels fragmented. Critical areas may be rushed, skipped over, or delivered without sufficient opportunity for practical exercises or case studies—both essential for hands-on learning and reinforcing key concepts. As a result, delegates are not able to fully engage with the material, which affects their ability to apply the learning in real-world scenarios.

In conclusion, based on the lessons Sofema Aviation Services has learned through actual experience, we have made a strategic decision to move away from extensive course merging. Instead, we focus on providing structured, relevant, and coherent EASA regulatory training learning experiences.

By maintaining clarity and focus in our courses, we are able to meet the specific needs of our delegates, ensure deeper understanding, and deliver more meaningful learning outcomes that directly benefit their professional growth.

Next Steps: Explore how our structured training solutions can benefit your organization. Visit www.sassofia.com or email us at team@sassofia.com to inquire and enrol in our next program.

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EASA Regulatory Training, Aviation regulatory courses, Certificates and Training Materials, training value, individual courses, multiple modules, cohesive learning experiences, professional growth, develop strategies, specific topics, professional roles, delegates, learners, training providers