Considering the Roles and Responsibilities of an EASA Accountable Manager within a Part 145 Aviation Maintenance Environment

The EASA Accountable Manager (AM) in an aviation maintenance and manufacturing organization holds a pivotal role, being ultimately responsible for ensuring that all activities are conducted in accordance with the applicable regulations and standards. The specific duties of an Accountable Manager can vary depending on the size and type of the aviation maintenance organization, as…

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Introduction to Air Traffic Management and Air Navigation ATM – ANS Annexes

Sofema Aviation Services (SAS) – reviews Air Traffic Management and Air Navigation ATM-ANS Annexes and considers their high-level role. ATM – ANS Annexes ANNEX I — DEFINITIONS ATM – ANS Annexes ANNEX II — PART-ATM/ANS.AR REQUIREMENTS FOR COMPETENT AUTHORITIES — OVERSIGHT OF SERVICES AND OTHER ATM NETWORK FUNCTIONS Part-ATM/ANS.AR is a crucial component of the regulatory framework governing Air…

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The EASA Part 147 Initial Training for Instructors, Examiners and Assessors was completed by Irish Defence Forces

Sofema Aviation Services (SAS) is pleased to share that the EASA Part 147 Initial Practical Training for Instructors, Examiners and Assessors was delivered to 13 delegates from the Irish Defence Forces. The SAS CEO Steve Bentley FRAeS carried out the course at the Irish Air Corps Facilities. About the training This course aims to provide the…

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