Essentials for Maintenance 1 day training courses EASA Part 145, EASA Part M, Quality Audit, and Safety Management Systems

Sofema Aviation Services introduces four 1 Day essential regulatory training courses, the purpose of each course is to quickly get to the core elements of  the subject, what is required to achieve regulatory compliance and how organisations can not just meet this requirement but to exceed it. SAS Essentials covers four dedicated subjects Part 145…

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Sofema Aviation Services Launch Safety Management System (SMS) Training and Implementation support for European Airports

Sofema Aviation Services is pleased to announce the launch of a support and training imitative to deliver specific support to Airports throughout Europe to enable full compliance with ICAO Annex 6 SMS and to meet the requirements of EASA Part OPS.   To comply with the current ICAO and future EASA requirements, it is necessary…

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