What are the advantages in Delivering Fuel Tank Safety – FTS and Electrical Wiring Interconnect System Training EWIS in House.

The first advantage is one of control, you have immediately the opportunity to deliver the trainings to your own agenda. The second advantage is that you can develop organizational specific content which is very important to ensure that a specific rather than general understanding is encouraged within the work place.

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SMS Developing Risk Assessment Strategies in Small to Medium Companies – A Practical Approach to Aviation Risk Assessment

β€œThe risks and costs in commercial aviation necessitate a rational process for decision-making. On a daily basis, operators and managers make decisions in real time, weighing the probability and severity of any adverse consequences implied by the risk against the expected gain of taking the risk. This process is known as risk management.” – ICAO…

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Moving towards implementation of Part OPS

Sofema Aviation Services in partnership with Regional Air Services of Bucharest is pleased to present a Part OPS 3 days Regulation on Air Operations Overview and Implementation Course. Are your Flight Operations and Ground Operations Postholders ready for Part OPS ? Is your Quality Manager and Quality System prepared for auditing using Part OPS as…

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The 4 phases of SMS Implementation

This article considers the four phases of ICAO SMS implementation within an Aviation Organization, presented by Steven Bentley Managing Director of Sofema Aviation Services. The initial phase without surprise is the most important, to design the SMS framework which is going to suit your organization. A key element of this stage is to have a…

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