Revolut payment is now available for Sofema clients – See details

Sofema Aviation Services is excited to share that a new payment method via Revolut account is now available at and our sister company Sofema Online All of our clients now have the opportunity to enroll for training courses via: Revolut Credit / Debit Card PayPal Bank Transfer To facilitate our customers, Revolut payments…

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Considerations related to the implementation of CS-MCS

Sofema Aviation Services (SAS) considers the process whereby Certification Specification Maintenance Certifying Staff (CS-MCS) is derived from source data. Introduction Concerning the Obligations for a TCH to provide the OSD-MCS: The introduction of the OSD in the Basic Regulation created the obligation for the Type Certificate Holder to provide the “minimum syllabus” for maintenance certifying staff…

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The Basics of Aircraft Production Planning – Bringing Together the Key Elements

Sofema Aviation Services (SAS) considers the basic building blocks of the EASA Part 145 Production Planning Function and considers how it all fits together. Introduction A strong & effective organisation will see Production Planning at the heart of the maintenance organisation. Primary roles of the Production Planning Department include: Planning (forecasting, planning, and control): o Forecasting…

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The EASA Part M Maintenance Planning Fundamentals training was delivered to delegates from Kazakhstan Aviation Industry

Sofema Aviation Services (SAS) is pleased to share that the EASA Part M Maintenance Planning Fundamentals training was successfully completed by 12 delegates from Kazakhstan Aviation Industry. The course was delivered as a webinar by the experienced SAS instructor Danil Danilov on 14-16 November 2022. What was the training about? This course was designed to…

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