Considering the Importance of Temperature and Humidity Control in an EASA Part 145 Compliant Store

Sofema Aviation Services (SAS) considers the regulatory requirements and best practices for managing and controlling temperature and humidity within approved storage facilities. Introduction – EASA Part 145 Regulatory Requirements EASA Part 145.A.25 Facility Requirements:  – Paragraph (d) of 145.A.25 states: “The working environment must be appropriate for the tasks being undertaken and shall ensure effective…

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EASA Best Practives for Initial Quality Inspection in Storage Settings

Sofema Aviation Services (SAS) considers the processes, procedures and best practices for performing the Initial Quality Inspection of Aircraft Components and Consumables in Storage Settings. Introduction Upon arrival in a storage setting, a thorough and systematic initial quality inspection of aircraft components and consumables is crucial to maintaining airworthiness and safety standards. Here, we look…

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Considerations Related to the Acceptance of Chemicals & Consumable Materials within an EASA Approved Organisation

Sofema Aviation Services (SAS) considers the key aspects related to ensuring the correct receipting of Consumable Materials including Chemicals. Introduction EASA Form 1 is not applicable for consumable materials including chemicals, nevertheless, the obligation to ensure the correctness of the material or product is paramount. Within an EASA environment, it’s crucial to ensure that the…

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