A Special Reward for outstanding results – Sofema Online is awarding its best students with a Distinction Diploma – See more

Sofema Online www.SofemaOnline.com is rewarding its students who completed the Diploma Programs with outstanding results by issuing a Special Distinction Diploma Available by request at team@sassofia.com What is a Sofema Online Learning Diploma – Certificate of Distinction? It is important to acknowledge the increasing number of delegates who are enrolling for the Sofema Online Diploma…

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Developing a common Understanding of the way we view Quality Assurance and Quality Control within an EASA Centric World?

Sharing a view – Steve Bentley CEO of Sofema offers his take on how we interpret the terms Quality Assurance (QA) & Quality Control (QC). Introduction – Is there a difference between EASA/FAA & ISO? Interpretation of Quality Assurance & Quality Control? Well yes but first let’s start with this interpretation (not mine) – Quality…

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What Training Is Available? SMS for PART CAMO

Safety Management Systems (SMS) Requirements are relatively new within the CAMO environment (Indirectly required as part of the Operators SMS following the implementation of regulation 965/2012). ­­­EASA issued Regulation (EU) 2019/1383 incorporating the content of EASA Opinion 06/2016. The regulation identifies how Safety Management (SMS) is to be introduced into the Part M Environment. EASA…

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EASA Certified Operations Aircraft Fire Extinguisher Requirements

EASA Certified Operations Aircraft Fire Extinguisher Requirements Reviewed by Sofema Aviation Services (SAS) www.sassofia.com Introduction To comply with CAT.IDE.A.250  – Hand Fire Extinguishers Aeroplanes shall be equipped with: At least one hand fire extinguisher in the flight crew compartment. At least one hand fire extinguisher shall be located in, or readily accessible for use in,…

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