Air Traffic Management

Considerations related to Basic Regulation 2018-1139 and Single European Sky (SES)

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Single European Sky

June 27, 2019

Steven Bentley

Sofema Aviation Services ( looks at what is involved in the process of managing SES. What is the Single European Sky (SES)? The European air traffic management (ATM) system expects to handle over 50,000 flights daily by 2020. SES organises airspace into functional blocks, according to traffic flows rather than to national borders. Such a…

Implementation of EASA Part Operations (Part OPS) Regulation on Air Operations

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Why do we need a State Safety Program?

March 17, 2014


It was decided in April 2008 to extend EASA’s scope of competence in order to encompass the requirements of Air Operation & Flight Crew Licensing and Air Traffic Management, Air Navigation Services & Aerodromes. EASA has adopted a term called the “Total System Approach”  which is based on the fact that the aviation system components…