Approved Training Organisation (ATO)

What is the Difference between an EASA Approved Training Organisation (ATO) and Declared Training Organisation (DTO)

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April 23, 2021


Sofema Aviation Services (SAS) Considers the Role and Activity of a DTO What is an ATO? The EASA ATO approval process requires that an organisation be an ‘Approved Training Organisation’ (ATO) to enable the provision of training for the: Issue or renewal of European professional pilot’s licences o CPL, o MPL, o ATPL. Issue…

Get familiar with the requirements of the EC Regulation Aircrew with the new Regulation 1178/2011 Training provided by SAS

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May 21, 2020


Sofema Aviation Services is pleased to present the newest available training course: (EC) Regulation 1178/2011 Training – 2 Days About the training: The Course Focuses on the Obligations of the Organisation to ensure awareness & compliance concerning Aircrew Certification and Training. Commission Regulation (EU) No 1178/2011 of 3 November 2011 lays down technical requirements and…

Continuing Airworthiness Responsibility of Part-ML Aircraft related to Commercial Approved Training Organisation / Declared Training Organisation ATO/DTO

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Continuing Airworthiness Responsibility

April 14, 2020


Sofema Aviation Services considers the responsibilities related to the management of Continuing Airworthiness. An Approved Training Organisation (ATO) is required to comply with Part ORA of Regulation (EU) No 1178/2011 and either Part-NCC or Part-NCO of Regulation (EU) No 965/2012, depending on the aircraft being operated. Part-ORO is not applicable to ATOs. Declared Training Organisation…

Audit Considerations Related to Compliance Monitoring System (CMS) for Approved Training Organisation (ATO)

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Compliance Monitoring

February 27, 2020


Sofema Aviation Services looks at EASA Regulatory requirements for ATO Compliance Systems. AMC1 ORA.GEN.200(a)(6) Management system COMPLIANCE MONITORING – GENERAL (1) Compliance monitoring The implementation and use of a compliance monitoring function should enable the organisation to monitor compliance with the relevant requirements of this Part and other applicable Parts. (1) The organisation should specify…