Aviation Safety

SMS Implementation for Airports and Aerodromes

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September 15, 2012

Steven Bentley

Sofema Aviation Services is pleased to offer a 2 day training course covering EASA compliant SMS Implementation for Airports and Aerodromes. The course is aimed specifically at Aerodrome Management and Operational Staff, Safety Managers, Quality Managers, Aerodrome Safety Personnel. Regulators and Airport SMS Stake holders. The challenge of implementation an effective airfield SMS also provides…

SMS in transition within EASA regulated countries

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August 24, 2012

Steven Bentley

An article by Steven Bentley of Sofema Aviation Services reviewing impending changes to the Safety Management System processes within European Operations and MRO’s and the States. EASA has mandated the requirements for the implementation of Safety management Systems and processes with community operators and maintainers. Part OPS Gen 200 provides Acceptable Means of Compliance –…

SMS Developing Risk Assessment Strategies in Small to Medium Companies – A Practical Approach to Aviation Risk Assessment.

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July 03, 2012


“The risks and costs in commercial aviation necessitate a rational process for decision-making. On a daily basis, operators and managers make decisions in real time, weighing the probability and severity of any adverse consequences implied by the risk against the expected gain of taking the risk. This process is known as risk management.” – ICAO…

Essentials for Maintenance 1 day training courses EASA Part 145, EASA Part M, Quality Audit, and Safety Management Systems

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June 27, 2012


Sofema Aviation Services introduces four 1 Day essential regulatory training courses, the purpose of each course is to quickly get to the core elements of  the subject, what is required to achieve regulatory compliance and how organisations can not just meet this requirement but to exceed it. SAS Essentials covers four dedicated subjects Part 145…