Compliance Managers

Aviation Weekly News Roundup – 10 Мay 2024

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Aviation-Weekly-News Roundup

May 10, 2024


Sofema Aviation Services shares the latest events in the Aviation business from around the world in our Aviation Weekly News Roundup: > National Celebration of General Aviation D.C. Flyover gets final approval The light has officially turned green for the National Celebration of General Aviation D.C. Flyover, planned for May 11, 2024. Planning and coordination…

Recognizing the Role of an EASA Part 145 Compliance Function in Support of the Organizations Safety Objectives

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September 25, 2023


Steve Bentley FRAeS CEO of Sofema Aviation Services (SAS) comments on the challenges related to understanding the EASA Part 145 Compliance Function in support of the SMS System and not vice-versa Introduction Historically we had our primary focus on the Compliance Verification System which we called QA and now we call it Compliance Monitoring. We…