Continuing Airworthiness (CA)

Understand the quality assurance principles within the field of aviation maintenance with the new SOL course

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quality Assurance

November 09, 2023


We are proudly sharing that Sofema Online has a new course to offer: Quality Assurance in a Maintenance Environment Enroll today About the training: This course provides a comprehensive understanding of quality assurance principles in aviation maintenance. The participants will acquire practical skills to implement effective quality control measures & will learn to identify areas…

Delegates from Air Serbia completed the Continuous Airworthiness Management Course

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Continuous Airworthiness Management

October 13, 2023


Sofema Aviation Services (SAS) is pleased to share that delegates from Air Serbia successfully completed the Continuous Airworthiness Management for Airworthiness Review Staff (Large A/C) training on 11-13 September 2023.  The course was carried out by our knowledgeable instructor Florin Necula at the Air Serbia Facilities. About the training  This course aims to provide the…

Special offer by SOL – Enroll in the Combined Recurrent Training Package for EASA Compliant Aviation Instructors

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Aviation Instructors

September 19, 2023


Sofema Online (SOL) is excited to present an exclusive offer tailored for Aviation Instructors.  We’ve bundled the following recurrent courses as a special package: EASA Continuing Airworthiness Instructor – Train the Trainer – Recurrent EASA Part 145 Safety (SMS) & Human Factors (HF) Training (Recurrent) with VO Pay the full price for the EASA…

Understand the changes applicable to 2022 – 2023 Initial and Continuing Airworthiness with the new SOL course

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July 05, 2023


We are delighted to share that Sofema Online has launched a new course: Aviation Regulatory Review – EASA Initial Airworthiness and Continuing Airworthiness 2022 – 2023 Start learning online About the training: This course was designed to identify the applicable changes to Initial and Continuing Airworthiness 2022 – 2023. It covers the new basic regulation…