Clarification regarding the requirements for training EASA regulations

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July 20, 2014


The following communication was received by Steven Bentley on behalf of Sofema Aviation Services from EASA on Wed July 2nd 2014. For any comments or questions please contact steve.bentley@sassofia.com This is an abridged version (without changes) of the received document to provide for specific clarity of the concerned points. Dear Mr. Bentley, Regarding your question,…

Perceptions of Aviation Quality & Safety within the European Environment

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June 25, 2014


To start by saying that I firmly believe the concept of the management system as required by EASA actually delivers a working methodology which not only complies with the intent of ICAO but does so in a practical way. EASA recognizes the roles and responsibilities within the management team, clearly identifying that the responsibility of…

Airside Compliance Monitoring, Audits and Inspections

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June 18, 2014


The Airport Environment is without doubt “Compliance Intensive” with a plethora or rules regulations and obligations. Ensuring Compliance with all Regulatory and Organisational Requirements is a Fundamental Element of the continuous Airfield Operations oversight process. The Safety Management System should complement this process and enable ongoing assessment of Risk and Exposure, this adding a new…

SAS Completion of an “In Company” regulatory training for Montenegro Airlines – EASA Compliance Management and Auditing

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May 28, 2014


Tues Jun 2nd saw the completion of an “In Company” regulatory training for Montenegro Airlines covering EASA Compliance Management and Auditing. The course was delivered by Steven Bentley MD of Sofema Aviation Services and covered a range of specialised subjects including the following: – EASA Regulatory Requirements for a Compliant Quality System – The Management…