EASA Part Ops and the Responsibility of the Ground Operations Post Holder

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September 25, 2012


An overview document presented by Steven Bentley MD Sofema Aviation Services. “OR.GEN 200” applies to all commercial operators and non-commercial operators of complex motor-powered aircraft. It requires them to have an integrated management system, including an SMS. Typical responsibilities of the Ground Operations Post Holder will include ensuring the company’s compliance with  EASA regulations and …

Introduction to EASA Authority, Organisation and Operations Requirements for Aerodromes.

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September 10, 2012


Presented by Sofema Aviation Services www.sassofia.com EASA Basic Regulation (EC) No 216/2008 as amended by Regulation (EC) No 1108/2009 (hereafter referred to as the ‘Basic Regulation’) included aerodromes and ATM/ANS into the European aviation safety regulatory system. Notice of Proposed Amendment NPA 2011-20 (A) 09/12/2011 introduces rules applicable to aerodromes. The Implementing Rules (IRs) will become…

Part OPS – Moving the Goal Posts – Part AR and Part OR are finished before they start!

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September 01, 2012


Please be very careful when you see the terms AR and or OR in connection with EASA Part Operations regulations as these terms are now redundant. Steven Bentley MD of Sofema Aviation Services explains further How it Was going to be – Part AR  – The key elements of Part-AR included the oversight of all…

SMS in transition within EASA regulated countries

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August 24, 2012


An article by Steven Bentley of Sofema Aviation Services reviewing impending changes to the Safety Management System processes within European Operations and MRO’s and the States. EASA has mandated the requirements for the implementation of Safety management Systems and processes with community operators and maintainers. Part OPS Gen 200 provides Acceptable Means of Compliance –…