FAA Regulatory Introduction & Overview

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February 25, 2019


Introduction to Certification what purpose does each “part” serve? An Overview by Sofema Aviation Services www.sassofia.com looks at challenges related to Competence Oversight   Concerning CFR CFR stands for Code of Federal Regulations and all the following parts are found with the area “14 CFR” Part 21 is certification procedures for products and parts. Part…

FAA Special Conditions Applicable to EU-BASED Approved Maintenance Organisations (AMOs)

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January 23, 2019


To be approved in accordance with 14 CFR part 145, pursuant to the terms of this Annex, the AMO shall comply with all of the following Special Conditions: The AMO shall submit an application in a form and a manner acceptable to the FAA.  (a) The application for both initial and renewed FAA certification shall…

Different Roles Performed within the Federal Aviation Administration

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January 21, 2019


 Accountable Directorate: The aircraft certification directorate with final authority, accountability, and responsibility for type certification programs, the development of airworthiness standards, and development and standardization of technical policy for an assigned product and a specific part of Title 14 of the Code of Federal Regulations (14 CFR). Aircraft Certification Office (ACO): The aircraft certification directorate’s…

Looking for EASA Compliant Training or Audit Support Services?

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November 14, 2017


What are the services which Sofema Aviation Services www.sassofia.com provides? Sofema Aviation Services offers quality audit services and training including our renowned Train the Trainer Program covering all areas including maintenance and operational environments. All aviation auditing schemes possess some common features. We must first have requirements for the standards which relate to the item,…