Sofema Aviation Services to deliver Singapore Regulatory Training

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July 25, 2014


Sofema Aviation Services is pleased to announce we will be delivering a new round of regulatory training in Singapore. The training will be held at the facilities of Singapore Training and Development Association (STADA) where SAS is an associate member. The courses on offer consist of two complementary programs starting with Aviation Quality Management and…

MEMS & SMS Training – Making the Difference

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June 10, 2014


Maintenance Error Management, Safety Management Training delivered by an “insider”. If you are looking for real training from an industry professional with a practical perspective on delivering within the workplace then consider Sofema Aviation Services. SAS UK “In Company” Training courses are delivered in the by our chief instructor Richard “Dick” Wilson who has gained…

Key Components of an Aviation Maintenance Error Management Systems

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January 09, 2014


a) Identify practices and behaviours in the maintenance organization which are in appropriate or unacceptable. When focusing on understanding causal factors in association with for example in appropriate behaviours or violations which for example may be perceived as organizationally optimizing, we should consider that possible drivers include the role played by supervisors and managers. b)…

Introducing Maintenance Error Management Systems (MEMS)

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January 02, 2014


The forthcoming EASA regulatory requirement 145.A.62 ‘Internal Safety Reporting Scheme’ (NPA 2013-01) introduces a separate provision to strengthen the development and implementation of  a confidential internal safety reporting scheme as part of the Organization’s ‘safety information system’ to help the organisation foster its safety culture. A strong safety culture is an essential ingredient for effective…