Quality Control

Gain an Awareness Regarding the Current Industry Exposure to Cyber Security Threats with our New course – Register today!

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Cyber Security

December 14, 2021


Sofema Aviation Services (SAS) www.sassofia.com is delighted to share that a new course regarding Cyber Security is now a part of our training portfolio: EASA Compliant Organizational Cyber Security Responsibilities ā€“ 1 Day Available as a Classroom or WebinarĀ trainingĀ ā€“ Sign up at team@sassofia.com What is the course about? EASA understands its role to regulate and…

Considering Quality Standards within an EASA Compliant Approved Organisation

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Quality Standards

November 30, 2021


Sofema Aviation Services (SAS) www.sassofia.com considers the source of our Quality Standards and looks at how to develop & how to manage. Introduction – How do we Identify and Measure our Internal Quality Standards? Setting Standards – We use standards as a reference point or benchmark by which we can measure what we are doing…

Requirements Related to a CAR OPS / EASA 965/2012 Quality System

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EASA Quality System

September 02, 2021


Review regarding EASA Quality System by Sofema Aviation Services (SAS) www.sassofia.com Introduction In 1998 The Joint Aviation Authorities launched JAR OPS 1 (and ā€œ3ā€) contained within these documents was for the first time a specific requirement (JAR OPS Subpart B 1.035) for an independent audit function within the Operations Environment ā€“ With the transition to…

How to implement Safety Management System within an EASA Part 145 Organisation?

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Considerations Related to the Implementation of Safety Management Systems (SMS) within an EASA Part 145 Organisation

July 27, 2021


Sofema Aviation Services (SAS) reviews how to implement Safety Management System within an EASA Part 145 Organisation. Implementing Safety Management Systems in aviation – Introduction SMS is required within all Aircraft Maintenance Organisations In accordance with the requirements of ICAO Annex 19. EASA has issued a Notice of Proposed Amendment (NPA) 2019-05 (C) and currently,…