EASA Part 145, Part M, Quality Assurance Auditing, RCA training Session in Bangkok

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August 06, 2019


Sofema Aviation Services is pleased to announce an Aviation Training session in Thailand Dates: 16 – 27 September 2019 Venue: Mjets Facilities, Bangkok, Thailand Early Bird Discount Available! See here The following courses are available: EASA Part 145 – 3 Days – Bangkok, Thailand Dates: 16 -18 September 2019 Price: 895 USD The Aims of the…

Exposures in Aviation Quality & Safety System Root Cause Analysis

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Root Cause Analysis

March 12, 2018


Sofema Aviation Services considers the exposures in Aviation Quality & Safety System Root Cause Analysis Despite the best efforts of individuals and organizations to avoid negative outcomes serious adverse events will still take place. RCA Techniques are essential within the Aviation Quality & Safety Environment both as a Proactive Tool as well as a Reactive…