Root Cause Analysis

Is Human Error in Aviation an Acceptable Outcome as a Root Cause

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March 19, 2018


To share that empirical evidence has shown that under normal conditions, we can make between three to seven errors per hour. Under stressful, emergency, or unusual conditions, we can make an average of 11 errors per hour. Whilst Human Error is an inevitable consequence of our human engagement with the aviation system or various business…

What Does Aviation Organisational Compliance Mean in the Context of EASA Regulations

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sofema aviation services

March 19, 2018


When we speak about Organisational Compliance we are talking about compliance with all external regulatory requirements together with the internal obligations driven by all “internal” company documentation, manuals and procedures. The Quality Manager is required to head up the this independent process for performing gap analysis (auditing for conformity) of the organisations documentation systems and…

Considering Aviation – Root Cause Analytical Basic Techniques

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March 16, 2018


Analytical Techniques (RCA Tools)   “Five Whys” Approach The “five whys” approach. By using this approach, root cause contributors can be identified along with the antecedent events, and potential mitigation or prevention strategies can be suggested on the basis of the answers. Once the initiating problem is specified, a consecutive series of “why” questions are…

Aviation Human Factors Considerations related to Root Cause Analysis (RCA)

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March 15, 2018


When we perform RCA it is not unusual to come up against causal factors which show a specific relationship between the event and one or more human factors. Please consider that in general we can say that ALL Human Factors can potentially be managed in a way that either precludes or mitigates potential negative outcomes….