Safety Management System

SMS Organisational Implementation

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July 11, 2011


An ICAO compliant (as opposed to the current EASA required) Safety Management System provides a mechanism to proactively seek, identify, quantify and mitigate risks and potential hazards which exist in the business. Moreover it provides for a mechanism to deliver a safer working process and environment in every facet of our day to day business….

Safety Management System SMS Implementation

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May 26, 2011


An ICAO compliant (as opposed to the current EASA required) Safety Management System provides a mechanism to proactively seek, identify, quantify and mitigate risks and potential hazards which exist in the business. Moreover it provides for a mechanism to deliver a safer working process and environment in every facet of your day to day business….

Sofema Aviation Services – Aviation Safety Management System Training for Trainers

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February 12, 2011


Specific Training for your In Company Trainers. A Proactive SMS system has been mandated by ICAO since Jan 2009. The Development of Safety Management Systems SMS continues to gain in prominence and importance in both Airline Operations a Maintenance Organisations. Sofema Aviation Services is at the forefront of the organization specific Training for Trainers, based…