SAS Library

EASA Part 147 Practical Instructors, Examiners/Assessors Training – Introduction

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EASA-Part-147-Practical Instructors

November 20, 2023

Steven Bentley

EASA recognizes the pivotal role that Part 147 Practical instructors, examiners, and assessors play in ensuring that aviation professionals are adequately trained and competent in their respective roles. EASA’s stance is clear: while they might not provide a specific curriculum for “train-the-trainer” or “train-the-examiner/assessor” courses, they strongly recommend that professionals, in these roles undergo dedicated…

Third Country 145 Organisations – Working with EASA Root Cause Requirements

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Working-with- EASA= Root-Cause-Requirements

November 17, 2023

Steven Bentley

Sofema Aviation Services (SAS) considers the EASA Root Cause Requirements and best practices to address EASA Findings. How to provide an acceptable response and how to address such findings so they are fully mitigated. Here is an Example Finding for Discussion and Comment Regulatory Paragraphs 145.A.30 (e) Finding Description –The Organisation cannot demonstrate compliance…

Addressing EASA Regulatory findings when received by an EASA Third Country Organisation

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November 10, 2023

Steven Bentley

Sofema Aviation Services (SAS) considers the process and the steps which need to be taken by an organisation receiving EASA Regulatory findings. Introduction To satisfy the obligations of an organisation related to the continuance of an EASA third country approval. The organisation should recognise the following 1/ It is the responsibility of the Business Area…

FOD Maintenance Procedures Overview

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FOD-Maintenance Procedures

November 09, 2023

Steven Bentley

Sofema Aviation Services (SAS) considers the need for FOD Maintenance procedures, best practices, and Cautions. Maintenance Procedures Overview Important Note The goal of a FOD prevention program is not just to detect and remove FOD but to prevent its occurrence in the first place.  For effective oversight, it is recommended to have a FOD manager…