Technical Records

Special Offer on EASAOnline – April Promo Package!

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April 08, 2016

Steven Bentley

Celebrate April with EASAOnline Promo Prices! This month you can buy a package of two trainings: Aircraft Technical Records and Introduction to Aircraft Maintenance Planning in an EASA Environment. The Price of the package is 145 USD, this way YOU SAVE 35 USD! Offer is valid until 30th of April 2016. Technical records is the hub of the Continuing…

Sofema Aviation Services completes Dubai GCAA CAR M / CAR 145 Technical Records Training

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October 27, 2014

Steven Bentley

Sunday October 26th saw the delivery of a 1 Day course at the facilities of Jet Aviation dedicated to the needs of both Part M CAMO Technical Records Staff and Part 145 Technical Records Staff. The primary purpose of the training was to provide a thorough understanding of the Role of Technical Records within both Part…

The Difference between Part M and Part 145 Records

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October 20, 2014

Steven Bentley

To first consider the difference between the operator or owner and the maintainer because it is the operator or the owner who is required through the management of technical records to demonstrate that the aircraft meets all requirements to be able to fly, whereas the 145 organisation must demonstrate only that all requested and performed…

What do Aircraft Technical Records People do?

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October 17, 2014

Steven Bentley

Lets start by considering the various tasks, roles and responsibilities which a Tech Records administrator may be tasked with as part of their normal duties a) Maintain and manage any records associated with the maintenance management or operation. b) Liaise with the Stores inspector regarding the management of components and the control of Form 1’s…