October 16, 2018



Firstly, to Differentiate between Hazard & Risk where a Hazard has the potential to cause harm and the risk of being associated with the likelihood that it will!

Secondly to recognise that Hazards are an Integral Part of our Aviation System and whilst in isolation a Hazard is not necessarily a bad thing- We are looking at Hazards where the level of exposure carries a more significant Threat.

Building a strong reporting culture is an essential, step in developing an effective aviation SMS programs. This requires strong communication, training and a shared understanding of the objectives

Addressing the Challenges of SMS Reporting

We have all learnt from the experience of many years that the more challenging we make it for a person to engage with a task, then the more likely they will disconnect from the task. This, of course, is also applicable to reporting of Safety Events.

A well thought out easy to complete Hazard reporting form provides an incentive for the employee to report hazards as well as Safety Concerns.

Delivering a Hazard Reporting Process

A strong and effective hazard reporting process will support the ongoing development of an effective safety culture and ensure a steady flow of data for effective safety decision making

Our Organisational Hazard reporting process is typically the primary mode of data acquisition.

Cleary then it should be recognised that the reliability of the reporting system is pivotal to the overall success of the SMS. With a robust data flow, we will be able to monitor and benchmark the effectiveness of our program.

What to expect in a Strong & Effective Hazard Reporting System?

Easy to Report Hazards – Simply Systems have a higher level of engagement

Multiple opportunities to capture exposure – should be quick & convenient.

An effective review and analysis process – leading to where necessary the ability to deliver fast-track mitigations.

What is in a Good SMS Hazard Reporting System?

A typical effective SMS hazard reporting process provides a solution whereby employees can easily generate and submit a report

To efficiently capture sufficient data to be useful without being burdensome for the reporter.

That the nature of the report is appropriate to the relevant business area

The ability to enter data anonymously is a plus feature.

Hazard reporting templates are valuable for the hazard reporting process and can support the provision of basic guidance. In addition, sufficient “free form” fields to allow the opportunity for the reporter to explain in “their own words” the nature of the “Hazard”

Sofema Aviation Services www.sassofia.com and our sister company SofemaOnline www.sofemaonline.com provide classroom and online training for regulatory and vocational training fully compliant with EASA requirements. For more information please email office@sassofia.com or online@sassofia.com

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Aviation SMS, safety reporting drivers