September 17, 2019

Steven Bentley

Sofema Aviation Services looks at what is coming related to EASA Part 145 Management System & the Introduction of SMS


Safety management seeks to proactively identify hazards and to mitigate the related safety risks before they result in aviation accidents and incidents.

Safety management enables an organisation to manage its activities in a more systematic and focused manner.

When an organisation has a clear understanding of its role and contribution to aviation safety, it can prioritise safety risks and more effectively manage their resources and obtain optimal results.

Note regarding SMS Implementation

If the organisation holds multiple organisation certificates within the scope of Regulation (EU) 2018/1139, it may choose to implement a single management system to cover all of its activities.

An integrated management system may not only be used to capture multiple certification requirements but also to cover other business management systems such as quality, security, occupational health and environmental management systems.

The integration will remove any duplication and exploit synergies by managing safety risks across multiple activities. Organisations may determine the best means to structure their management systems to suit their business and organisational needs.

EASA Part 145 Organisational Obligations

(a) The organisation shall establish, implement, and maintain a management system that includes:

(1) clearly defined lines of responsibility and accountability throughout the organisation, including direct safety accountability of the accountable manager;

(2) a description of the overall philosophies and principles of the organisation with regard to safety referred to as the safety policy, and the related safety objectives;

(3) the identification of aviation safety hazards entailed by the activities of the organisation, their evaluation and the management of the associated risks, including

taking actions to mitigate the risks and verify their effectiveness;

(4) maintaining personnel trained and competent to perform their tasks;

(5) documentation of all management system key processes, including a process for making personnel aware of their responsibilities and the procedure for amending this documentation;

(6) a function to monitor the compliance of the organisation with the relevant requirements. Compliance monitoring shall include a system to feedback findings to the accountable manager to ensure the effective implementation of corrective actions as necessary;

(7) any additional relevant requirements that are laid down in this Regulation.

Authors Comment – What is new here?

Probably the “New Kid on the Block” is No 3 where we will be required to engage with the identification evaluation and Management (Mitigation) of Safety Hazards – Essentially this will provide the “link” to the need to ensure a proactive approach to safety objectives.

We need to spend some time to familiarise with the difference between Hazards and Risks so to understand that Hazards are “ever-present” and Risks are variable depending on the degree of exposure within the context we consider the exposure of the Hazard. and provide a range of regulatory compliant and vocational training courses – for any questions please email or

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Safety Management, SMS, Safety Risk, Part 145 Management System